Items Located In Room B

Rose Hawley Museum >> Historic White Pine Village

Name Category Photo/Negative/Video # Location Details
curtains Household Textiles
curtains Household Textiles
curtains Household Textiles
curtains Household Textiles
curtains Household Textiles
curtains Household Textiles
curtains Household Textiles
curtains Household Textiles
Cumberbun Clothing
crocheted/lace table covering Household Textiles
crocheted wall hanging Household Textiles
crocheted table dressing Household Textiles
crocheted table doily Household Textiles
crocheted table doily Household Textiles
crocheted table covering Household Textiles
crocheted hat Clothing
crocheted hand towel Household Textiles
crocheted chair back tidy Household Textiles
crochet table covering Household Textiles
crochet table cover Household Textiles
crochet hat Clothing
crochet hat Clothing
crochet doily Household Textiles
crochet doily Household Textiles
crochet doiley Household Textiles
crochet baby hat Clothing
crochet baby blanket Clothing
crepe cr Clothing
crepe & taffeta lace blouse Clothing
Creme Knit Baby Hat Clothing
cream net/lace veil Clothing
cream evening dress Clothing
cream crepe long slip Clothing
cream cotton/silk table covering Household Textiles
Cream Colored Soakers Clothing
cream colored afternoon dress Clothing
Cotton white half slip Clothing
cotton table dressing Household Textiles
cotton table dressing Household Textiles
cotton table covering Household Textiles
cotton table cover Household Textiles
cotton table cover Household Textiles
cotton table cloth Household Textiles
Cotton Slip Clothing
cotton print table covering Household Textiles
cotton pillowcase Household Textiles
cotton napkin Household Textiles
cotton napkin Household Textiles
cotton long sleeve blouse Clothing
cotton laundry bag Household Textiles
cotton hand towel Household Textiles
cotton half slip Clothing
cotton embroidered table cover Household Textiles
cotton dresser scarf Household Textiles
cotton dress- baby Clothing
cotton dress Clothing
cotton cloth table covering Household Textiles
cotton baby hat Clothing
cotton baby dress- christening Clothing
cotton baby dress Clothing
corduroy hat Clothing
communion veil Clothing
collars (3) Clothing
collapsible black pumps Clothing
coat Clothing
coat Clothing
cloth top lace up Clothing
cloth pouch Clothing
cloak Clothing
Clilds Cap Clothing
clear plastic slip ons Clothing
church altar table coverings Household Textiles
church altar table coverings Household Textiles
church altar table coverings Household Textiles
church altar table coverings Household Textiles
church altar table coverings Household Textiles
church altar table covering Household Textiles
christening slip goes with christening dress 2005.159.123 Clothing
christening slip & skirt Clothing
christening slip Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing
christening gown Clothing

Page 8 of 12, showing 100 records out of 1146 total, starting on record 701, ending on 800