
Category: Archives -> Document Boxes: Archives  
Donor: Gary Juip
Location: Collections -> Document Room -> Document Boxes  
Accession Number: 2006.110.350  
Name of Object: Legal Papers, Receipts, Valuable Papers in Name of Andrew Vogel (nickname Dick Vogel) of Ludington  
Description: Brown receipt from Ludington Lumber Co. #736 dated Sept. 30, 1919, Dick Vogel Pd by cash $19.13, 4 red twos on it - on the back are some handwritten notes - Dick paid $100.00, Floyd paid $300.00, Dick paid $3.00 for pump, Dick paid $6.00 for lights, rent started Nov. 20, 1919, paid it to Erickeson to Jan. 1, Paid R. Vogel $4.00 for recording - Bills and Statements Folder  
Year Manufactured: 0000